Pliny the Elder
Keg Outlet Score: 10/10
Brewed by: Russian River Brewing Company, Santa Rosa, CA
Type: American Double/Imperial IPA
ABV: 8%
Glass: Sierra Nevada’s Spiegelau IPA Glass
Appearance: has a great golden color with a foamy, white head.
Aroma: smells aggressively hoppy with crisp pine aromas.
Taste: for how aggressively hoppy it smells, this beer is extremely smooth and gentle. Don’t get me wrong, this beer is still all about the hops, but it didn’t over power and allowed the other complex flavors to come through. Finishes smooth, making you want another sip. Even if you are someone who normally doesnt enjoy IPA’s, or other hoppy beers, you need to give this one a try!
Overall: this beer definitely lived up to its hype. It’s a favorite among our circle of family and friends. Best DIPA? That’s your call, but it is definitely up there. The only beef I have with this beer is not being able to get my hands whenever I would like to. It gets delivered to a couple local stores here once a week. And typically its just 1-2 cases, and the stores will only allow you to buy 1 beer.
It’s a great marketing scheme by Russian River to keep the demand high, and the buzz going… BUT come on, its time to start cranking this stuff out to make it more readily available for craft brew lovers around the U.S. Kick that brewery into overdrive Russian River 😉
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